
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Unboxing Apps

When folders first came out on iOS I loved 'em. I thought it would help me organize all my apps and bring order to my digital chaos. And to a small extent it did, at first.

But I've found the more apps that I shove into folders, the less I use them. And i really only USE a handful of apps on a daily basis anyways.

So today I'm blowin' up them folders and unboxing apps!

Maybe just by seeing the app icons more readily I'll be spurred into using them more often. It feels so fresh and new already!

Here's what made the first-page cut on my phone:


  1. slow day or slowly getting back into the flow of work? :)

  2. I've also noticed putting apps in folders makes me use them less... but then again, I have a bunch of apps that are only there for specific, rare, events or situations - those go in the folders...

  3. I too don't use any folders. I feel like having all of them out there available from the home screen makes them more accessible.
    As a side note, I use Gesture Search on my Android to quickly bring up an App I want. So it makes maintaining Apps inside folders very much useless.
